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In our bar La Buena Vida we always have aimed for a high standard of hygiene. Now with the Covid-19 we do everything we can to avoid contagion. 



The most important rules, imposed by government laws, are:

1. Clean hands

Wash and disinfect your hands frequently.

2. Safe distance 

Please maintain the save distance. If not possible please wear you facemask.

3. Be seated at a table

You are only permitted to consume while seated at a table.



Changing opening hours

Over the months we have seen ourselves obliged to change the opening hours regularly, complying with the restrictions imposed by the government. Click to see the actual opening hours:

We work according to the protocols:
Dispensers of disinfectant gel are at clients and workers disposal at both the entrance of the local as the entrance of the toilets.
All spaces for common use are frequently cleaned.
We have reorganized the furnishment with more distance between the tables. Clients are kindly requested not to move tables or seats without consulting the waiter.

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